New York Times profile on Nervous System!

The New York Times ran a full page in the Science section on Nervous System! The article “They’re Taking Jigsaws to Infinity and Beyond” appeared in the print edition on December 12, 2022 and was written by Siobhan Roberts, a Canadian science journalist. The article is a long read but I think it does a good job of conveying what goes on in our studio and how we navigate our weird combination of math, art and fabrication. The article talks a lot about our puzzles obviously but also the history of the studio and what motivates us.

Siobhan first reached out to us back in January of 2020 and we were in touch sporadically over the next two years. In September, she traveled to our studio in Palenville, NY for a full day visit. In the morning, she observed the production of our initial Marbling Infinity Puzzles and in the afternoon we all went on a hike on the Escarpment Trail from North-South Lake. Hiking with a toddler who insists on walking while being interviewed by the New York Times is an interesting experience.

NY Times photographer Tony Cenicola visited us later and took photos of us at the studio and in our backyard. Our one year old daughter Xyla refused to be put down that day so she got to make her first appearance in the NY Times as well. Below I’ve included a few of Tony’s photos from the article. You can read the full article here.

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