Nervous System provides consulting services for design and manufacturing automation, bioengineering, and architecture.
Since 2007, Nervous System has been an innovator and leader in computational geometry, digital fabrication, and biologically-inspired design. With a multidisciplinary approach rooted in biology, mathematics, and computer science, we are uniquely qualified to tackle problems spanning creative, technical, and scientific fields. We created some of the first online experiences for fully 3D customized products.

In addition to running our own production line for one-of-a-kind, digitally manufactured goods, we have helped other companies streamline their design to manufacturing workflows and empower the creation of complex geometries that would not be possible with traditional CAD tools. Our work spans scales from microscopic artificial organs to architectural facades.

If you have a project that could use our expertise in design and manufacturing automation, bioengineering, or architecture and public art, let's talk.
Design and manufacturing automation
Nervous System creates custom generative software for in-house design teams that streamlines the process of design to manufacturing. Our applications are imbued with the technical knowledge of performance analysis and fabrication constraints. Past clients include New Balance, Guardian Glass and Motorola.
Biomedical research
Nervous System’s unique computational approach mimics the processes of biological systems to create designs of unprecedented complexity. We work at the cutting edge of designing artificial tissues for human scale applications. Clients include Volumetric Bio, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories and the Stevens Lab at University of Washington.
An alveoli-like structure designed in collaboration with the Miller Lab at Rice University. (photo by Jordan Miller)
Entangled blood vessel networks created in collaboration with Kelly Stevens Lab at the University of Washington.
Blood vessel networks designed for 3d-printed sugar are cast in gel for perfusion. Research led by Ian S. Kinstlinger at the Miller lab at Rice University and published in Nature Biomedical Engineering. (photo by Ian S. Kinstlinger)
Architecture and public art projects
Nervous System's expertise in computational modelling and digital fabrication allows us to quickly and efficiently integrate with fabricators, engineers and architects. We create building scale installations with inspiring complexity.
If you have a project that could use our expertise in design and manufacturing automation, bioengineering, or architecture and public art, let's talk.