florescence ornata 2
31 x 21 x 36 cm nylon 3D printed by Selective Laser Sintering This flower-like form resulted from the growth of a cone grown diff…
florescence elysia 1
25 x 12 x 25 cmfull color 3D printed plaster This is half of a form that grew from a sphere with six holes where growth was promo…
florescence elysia 1
25 x 12 x 25 cmfull color 3D printed plaster This is half of a form that grew from a sphere with six holes where growth was promo…
florescence elysia 1
25 x 12 x 25 cmfull color 3D printed plaster This is half of a form that grew from a sphere with six holes where growth was promo…
florescence elysia 1
25 x 12 x 25 cmfull color 3D printed plaster This is half of a form that grew from a sphere with six holes where growth was promo…
hyphae 3D 1
nylon 3D printed by Selected Laser Sintering This form was grown in a fully 3D reimagining of Nervous System’s Hyphae algorithm.…
hyphae 3D 1
nylon 3D printed by Selected Laser Sintering This form was grown in a fully 3D reimagining of Nervous System’s Hyphae algorithm.…
hyphae 3D 1
nylon 3D printed by Selected Laser Sintering This form was grown in a fully 3D reimagining of Nervous System’s Hyphae algorithm.…