Cluster Earrings
Roots Brooch - detail
Cluster Pendant
stainless steel
Cluster Pendant - detail
Peltate Earrings
Dichotomous Earrings
Cross-venulate Earrings
Root Earrings
Reticulate Earrings
morphostem - cone flower growth
- differential growth towards the edge of a cone - decreasing bend strength causes the ruffles to become smaller and smaller
morphostem - growing from a point
morphostem - growing from a line
video: dune-like patterns
Growing a Hyphae Lamp
The Hyphae Lamp is a new series of algorithmically generated lighting designs by Nervous System. Each lamp is individually grown t…
video: hyphae algorithm diagram
We start with a set of randomly, but evenly distributed “auxin sources”, this kind of distribution is called “blue noise.” We ad…
video: Cell Cycle app v2 (2012)
http://n-e-r-v-o-u-s.com/cellCycle Cell Cycle is a webGL design app for creating 3d-printable cellular models. You can shape, t…
Laplacian growth
messing around with a new way to visualize the growth process please watch it full size in HD made with processing