Laplacian growth (smaller scale)
Working on some different ways to visualize our laplacian growth system
Ammonite is Nervous System's Spring/Summer jewelry collection for 2012. Ammonite takes inspiration from the interlocking suture…
video: Generative jigsaw puzzles
http://n-e-r-v-o-u-s.com/projects/puzzles/ Jigsaw puzzles for the 21st century! Each generative puzzle is a one of a kind creatio…
Radiolaria by Nervous System
Our Radiolaria App lets you manipulate a web of connected cells to create a huge variety of biologically-inspired patterns. Ea…
Folium is a generative jewelry series inspired by the algorithmic structures of plants and algae. Each Folium design is one of a k…
video: Kinematics
Kinematics is a system for 4D printing that creates complex, foldable forms composed of articulated modules. The system provides a…
video: xylem system variations
video: some of our algorithm variations probabilistic reticulate (top left), probabilistic normal (top right), isogonic reticulat…
video: Hele-Shaw cell experiments
Laplacian Growth
made with processing.org, sunflow, toxiclibs, and Amazon EC2 music: Celeste by Candlestickmaker freemusicarchive.org/music/Cand…
video: Dendrite Aggregation
Algae - branching growth
growing box
processing work in progress
growing sphere
processing sketch
morphostem - growing from the edge
early test
Radial Puzzle
a radial puzzle being lasercut
photo by Ken Richardson