Home / Content / 2020
  1. pollenPendant-JessicaRosenkrantz.jpg

  2. CrenulateNecklace-SteveMarsel.jpg

    [#Beginning of Shooting Data Section] Image Size:L (6000 x 4000), DX 2016/10/07 12:34:05.40 Time Zone and Date:UTC-5, DST:OFF Loss…

  3. corollaPendant-JessicaRosenkrantz.jpg

  4. animation-corollaria-forming.gif

  5. chrysanthemumPendant-SteveMarsel.jpg

    [#Beginning of Shooting Data Section] Image Size:L (6000 x 4000), DX 2016/10/07 13:55:45.60 Time Zone and Date:UTC-5, DST:OFF Loss…

  6. chrysanthemumPendant-JessicaRosenkrantz.jpg

  7. corollariaPendant-JessicaRosenkrantz.jpg

  8. LargeCalyxPendant-JessicaRosenkrantz-2.jpg

  9. corollariaNecklaces-SteveMarsel.jpg

    [#Beginning of Shooting Data Section] Image Size:L (6000 x 4000), DX 2016/10/07 14:06:54.90 Time Zone and Date:UTC-5, DST:OFF Loss…

  10. CorollariaNecklace-SteveMarsel.jpg

    [#Beginning of Shooting Data Section] Image Size:L (6000 x 4000), DX 2016/10/07 12:51:20.40 Time Zone and Date:UTC-5, DST:OFF Loss…

  11. Photo-Feb-28-9-57-41-AM.jpg

  12. Photo-Feb-28-9-55-05-AM.jpg

  13. Photo-Feb-28-9-09-51-AM.jpg

  14. IMGP6729.JPG

  15. corollariaRailing-diagram.jpg

  16. puzzleCellComplex-diagram-labeled.png

  17. P2140460-2.JPG

  18. Photo-Feb-14-3-30-12-PM.jpg

  19. P2150498.JPG

  20. assemblyPhotos2.png

  21. P2140471.JPG