Laplacian Zoetrope
3D printed ABS, acrylic, MDF, electronics, LEDs Branching forms emerge as the zoetrope spins illustrating dendritic solidification, a process where crystals grow in a supercooled environment. 18.25 x 18.25 inches
3D printed ABS, acrylic, MDF, electronics, LEDs Branching forms emerge as the zoetrope spins illustrating dendritic solidification, a process where crystals grow in a supercooled environment. 18.25 x 18.25 inches
selectively laser sintered nylon, MDF, electronics, LEDs This zoetrope illustrates two scales of reaction-diffusion affecting the growth of a sphere. Rather than there being multiple objects, one for each frame, this zoetrope is a seamless sculpture representing the progression of the simulation through time much like a slitscanned photograph moves through time and space. 18 x 18 x 21 inches
full color 3D printed plaster, MDF, acrylic, electronics, LEDs The differential growth of a fan-shaped surface is animated as the zoetrope spins. The distance from the growing edge is illustrated by a color gradient from yellow to blue. 18.5 x 18.5 inches
nylon 3D printed by Selective Laser Sintering, MDF, electronics, LEDs A tree-like form with two leaves grows as the disc spins. The zoetrope illustrates Nervous System’s leaf venation inspired algorithm, hyphae, as it grows across 3D surfaces. 30.5 x 30.5 x 21 inches