Home / Content / 2014 / November
  1. Roots Brooch

  2. Perlin Necklace

  3. Peltate Pendant

  4. Dichotomous Pendant

  5. Cluster Earrings

  6. Roots Brooch - detail

  7. 4392736184-27a6bfee51-o.jpg

  8. Cluster Pendant

    stainless steel

  9. Cluster Pendant - detail

  10. Peltate Earrings

  11. Dichotomous Earrings

  12. Cross-venulate Earrings

  13. Root Earrings

  14. Reticulate Earrings

  15. folium-11.jpg

  16. folium-9.jpg

  17. folium-8.jpg

  18. morphostem - cone flower growth

    - differential growth towards the edge of a cone - decreasing bend strength causes the ruffles to become smaller and smaller

  19. morphostem - growing from a point

  20. morphostem - growing from a line

  21. video: dune-like patterns