Home / Content / 2014 / November
  1. White Scroll Algae

  2. morphogenesis of a sphere with four holes

  3. sphere one hole (with smaller subdivision distance)

  4. Untitled2.gif

  5. IMGP2577-Edit.jpg

  6. 5265110882-a85264723c-o-1.jpg

  7. 5007608160-fc1a875263-o.jpg

  8. 4718290515-d3a9b2180a-o.png

  9. dendritic.jpg

  10. video: cell cycle app v1 (2009)

  11. eI4L-FE0AI.mp4

  12. MAKEwithX-Creator-Corvida.mp4

  13. tessellation4.jpg

  14. tessellation2.jpg

  15. tessellation1.jpg

  16. IMGP6172.jpg

  17. IMGP6164.jpg

  18. IMGP6160.jpg

  19. IMGP6176.jpg

  20. IMGP6175.jpg

  21. IMGP6174.jpg