Kinematics Dress 2 (1 new item)
The second Kinematics Dress was commissioned by Autodesk and debuted at the 2015 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES).
This custom-fit dress is composed of more than 3,000 unique interconnected parts which were 3D printed as a single folded piece. While each component is rigid, in aggregate, they behave as a continuous fabric allowing the dress to flexibly conform and fluidly flow in response to body movement. Unlike traditional fabric, this textile is not uniform; it varies in rigidity, drape, flex, porosity and pattern through space. The entire piece is customizable, from fit and style to flexibility and pattern, with the Kinematics Cloth app for clothing design.
3,212 panels connected by 4,709 hinges
3D-printed nylon by SLS
printed by Shapeways NY
sponsored by Autodesk
Kinematics Dress 2
The second Kinematics Dress was commissioned by Autodesk and debuted at the 2015 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES).
This custom-fit dress is composed of more than 3,000 unique interconnected parts which were 3D printed as a single folded piece. While each component is rigid, in aggregate, they behave as a continuous fabric allowing the dress to flexibly conform and fluidly flow in response to body movement. Unlike traditional fabric, this textile is not uniform; it varies in rigidity, drape, flex, porosity and pattern through space. The entire piece is customizable, from fit and style to flexibility and pattern, with the Kinematics Cloth app for clothing design.
3,212 panels connected by 4,709 hinges
3D-printed nylon by SLS
printed by Shapeways NY
sponsored by Autodesk
Florescence Zoetrope (1 new item)
full color 3D printed plaster, MDF, acrylic, electronics, LEDs The differential growth of a fan-shaped surface is animated as the zoetrope spins. The distance from the growing edge is illustrated by a color gradient from yellow to blue. 18.5 x 18.5 inches
Hyphae Zoetrope (9 new items)
nylon 3D printed by Selective Laser Sintering, MDF, electronics, LEDs A tree-like form with two leaves grows as the disc spins. The zoetrope illustrates Nervous System’s leaf venation inspired algorithm, hyphae, as it grows across 3D surfaces. 30.5 x 30.5 x 21 inches
Laplacian Zoetrope
3D printed ABS, acrylic, MDF, electronics, LEDs Branching forms emerge as the zoetrope spins illustrating dendritic solidification, a process where crystals grow in a supercooled environment. 18.25 x 18.25 inches
Reaction Zoetrope
selectively laser sintered nylon, MDF, electronics, LEDs This zoetrope illustrates two scales of reaction-diffusion affecting the growth of a sphere. Rather than there being multiple objects, one for each frame, this zoetrope is a seamless sculpture representing the progression of the simulation through time much like a slitscanned photograph moves through time and space. 18 x 18 x 21 inches
Florescence Zoetrope
full color 3D printed plaster, MDF, acrylic, electronics, LEDs The differential growth of a fan-shaped surface is animated as the zoetrope spins. The distance from the growing edge is illustrated by a color gradient from yellow to blue. 18.5 x 18.5 inches
Hyphae Zoetrope
nylon 3D printed by Selective Laser Sintering, MDF, electronics, LEDs A tree-like form with two leaves grows as the disc spins. The zoetrope illustrates Nervous System’s leaf venation inspired algorithm, hyphae, as it grows across 3D surfaces. 30.5 x 30.5 x 21 inches