assembled chair

Well we finished assembling one chair, it is not actually finished since it needs to be sanded and then clear coated or painted. …

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happy holiday

There’s a thick layer of snow here in Saugerties and the temperature is a brisk 1 degree F.  Yesterday we spent sometime outside. …

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Ars Electronica

Today we shipped out 36 orders, 2 wholesale orders, and a package to Ars Electronica in Linz, Austria.  Seven of our pieces will…

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tokyo part 2

We had a week in Tokyo after the finish of 100% design to tour the city.  We got to visit a lot of…

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We went to Tokyo to exhibit at the 100% Design show in Jingu Gaien with designboom.  I was surprised by how different the…

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felt necklaces

We spent part of last week in Boston visiting with friends.  While there, we had a chance to create some prototypes for our…

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